Beetroot and goat’s cheese spread


  • 3 beetroots
  • 300 g soft goat’s cheese
  • 0.5 dl balsamic vinegar
  • 5 dl water
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • Thyme
  • Sea salt and pepper

Wash the beetroots thoroughly and place them in a roasting dish.
Add the vinegar, water, garlic cloves and thyme on top of the beetroots.
Season with sea salt and pepper.
Cover with kitchen foil and bake in the oven at 200 °C until the beetroots are soft.
Peel the beetroots and purée them in a blender. Make sure that the purée is even.
Add the goat’s cheese and mix until even.
Pipe into a dish and serve with slices with Malax Loaf.