Cream cheese and mulled wine cake on a Malax Loaf base


Cream cheese and mulled wine cake on a Malax Loaf base 
25 cm spring-form tin (serves approx. 12)


  • Malax Loaf slices

Jelly topping:

  • 4 dl good-quality mulled wine
  • Agar flakes / gelling sugar / gelatine leaves

Vanilla and cream cheese filling:

  • 5 dl whole milk
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 250 g mascarpone cheese
  • 4 gelatine leaves
  • 3 dl double cream

Start by preparing the vanilla mascarpone sauce.
Measure the sugar and potato starch into a saucepan and mix well. Add the milk, egg yolks and split vanilla pod (cut lengthwise). Heat on the hob until the sauce starts to bubble, stirring with a whisk.
Put the gelatine leaves in cold water to soak.
Stir in the mascarpone cheese and soaked gelatine leaves. Allow the mascarpone sauce to cool. Meanwhile, prepare the base.

Line the base of the spring-form tin (diameter 24–26 cm) with baking parchment. Line or grease the sides of the tin to make turning out the cake easier.
Cover the base of the tin with Malax Loaf slices; cut the slices into the right shape and size. Moisten the slices with mulled wine.
Whip the cream. Tip the whipped cream into the sauce.
Pour the filling into the tin. Allow to set in the fridge for at least a couple of hours.

Boil 3 dl of the mulled wine in a saucepan and add the gelling agent in accordance of the instructions on the packet.

Pour on top of the vanilla filling.

This dessert can also be made in bowls or dessert rings.

Decorate with chocolate sprinkles.